[sqlalchemy] Re: adapt MSVarchar to SLString

2010-04-16 Thread Tony Tan
here is the code I am using to copy the database: engine_src = create_engine('mssql://blah_blah_blah) engine_dst = create_engine('sqlite:///new.sqlite') metadata_src = MetaData(bind=engine_src,reflect=True) metadata_dst = MetaData(bind=engine_dst) for table in metadata_src.sorted_tables: de

[sqlalchemy] behavior of clear_mapper() function

2010-03-02 Thread Tony Tan
there is something really wired about orm.clear_mappers() function. here is what i did: 1. I used a mapper to add an instance to a session, i.e session.add(instance) 2. use clear_mappers() to clear all existing mapper 3. define another mapper using mapper(), including a 1:N relationship in it.