Dear sqlalchemy users,

After look at the docs I arrived at the following structure:

Base = declarative_base()

parent_child = Table(
Column("parent_id", Integer, ForeignKey("")),
Column("child_id", Integer, ForeignKey("")),

class Parent(Base):
__tablename__ = "parent"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
children = relationship("Child", secondary=parent_child, backref="children")

class Child(Base):
__tablename__ = "child"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

When I run the following query with a parent that has 300.000 children it 
takes approximately 25 seconds to load the children.

parent = session.query(Parent).filter_by(id=96).first()
children = parent.children

Now the query it ends up doing when collecting the children is:

app_1     | INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:{'id_1': 96, 'param_1': 1}
app_1     | INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:SELECT AS child_id 
app_1     | FROM child, child_parent 
app_1     | WHERE %(param_1)s = child_parent.parent_id AND = 
app_1     | INFO:sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:{'param_1': 96}

It feels like this should be a join and not a cartesian product with a 
where statement. What am I doing wrong? Or how can I make sure that it does 
a join when fetching the children instead of this.


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