The Second Station of the Thirteenth

In the Name of
God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

[A conversation held
with some young people who, though surrounded by temptation, had not yet
lost their power of reason.]

Being assaulted by
the deceptive, seductive amusements of the present time, a group of young
people were asking: “How can we save our lives in the
hereafter?”, and they sought help from the Risale-i Nur. So I said
the following to them in the name of the Risale-i Nur:

The grave is there
and no one can deny it. Whether they want to or not, everyone must enter
it. And apart from the following three ‘Ways’, there is no
other way it can be approached:

Way: For
those who believe, the grave is the door to a world far better than this

Way: For
those who believe in the hereafter, but who approach it on the path of
dissipation and misguidance, it is the door to a prison of solitary
confinement, an eternal dungeon, where they will be separated from all
their loved ones.

Way: For
the unbelievers and the misguided who do not believe in the hereafter, it
is the door to eternal extinction. That is to say, it is the gallows on
which both themselves and all those they love will be executed. Since they
think it is thus, that is exactly how they shall experience it: as

These last two Ways
are self-evident, they do not require proof, they are plain for all to
see. Since the appointed hour is secret, and death may come any time and
cut off his head, and it does not differentiate between young and old,
perpetually having such an awesome and serious matter before him, unhappy
man will surely search for the means to deliver himself from that eternal
extinction, that infinite, endless solitary confinement; the means to
transform the door of the grave into a door opening on to an everlasting
world, eternal happiness, and a world of light. It will be a question for
him that looms as large as the world.

The certain fact of
death, then, can only be approached in these three ways, and one hundred
and twenty-four thousand veracious messengers —the prophets, in
whose hands are miracles as signs of confirmation— have announced
that the three ways are as described above. And, relying on their
illuminations and visions, one hundred and twenty-four million saints have
confirmed and set their signatures on the prophets’ tidings. And
innumerable exact scholars have proved it rationally with their
categorical proofs at the level of ‘certainty at the degree of
knowledge.’1 They have all unanimously declared it to be
a ninety-nine per cent certain probability, saying: “The only way to
be saved from extinction and eternal imprisonment, and be directed towards
eternal happiness, is through belief in God and obedience to

If a person considers
but does not heed the word of a single messenger not to take a dangerous
road on which there is a one per cent danger of perishing, and takes it,
the anxiety at perishing he suffers will destroy even his appetite for
food. Thus hundreds of thousands of veracious and verified messengers
announced that there is a one hundred per cent probability that
misguidance and vice lead to the gallows of the grave, ever before the
eyes, and eternal solitary confinement, and that there is a one hundred
per cent probability that belief and worship remove those gallows, close
the solitary prison, and transform the ever-apparent grave into a door
opening onto an everlasting treasury and palace of felicity; and they have
pointed out signs and traces of these. Confronted as he is, then, with
this strange, awesome, terrifying matter, if wretched man
—especially if he is a Muslim— does not believe and worship,
is he able to banish the grievous pain arising from the anxiety he suffers
as he all the time awaits his turn to be summoned to those gallows,
ever-present before his eyes, even if he is given rule over the whole
world together with all its pleasures? I ask you.

Since old-age,
illness, disaster, and on all sides death open up the frightful pain and
are a reminder, even if the people of misguidance and vice enjoy a hundred
thousand pleasures and delights, they most certainly experience a sort of
hell in their hearts, but a profound stupor of heedlessness temporarily
makes them insensible to it.

Since for the people
of belief and worship the grave, ever before their eyes, is the door to an
everlasting treasury and eternal happiness, and since, by reason of the
‘belief coupon’, a ticket from the pre-eternal lottery of
Divine Determining for millions upon millions of poundsworth of gold and
diamonds has come up for each of them, they all the time await the word,
“Come and collect your ticket” with a truly profound pleasure
and real spiritual delight. This pleasure is such that if it materialized
and the seed became a tree, it would be like a private paradise. However,
one who abandons the delight and great pleasure due to the drives of
youth, and chooses in a dissolute and licentious manner temporary illicit
pleasures, which resemble poisonous honey polluted with those innumerable
pains, falls to a degree a hundred times lower than an animal.

Furthermore, such a
person will not be like unbelieving Europeans, for if they deny the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), they may recognize the other prophets. And if
they do not know God, they may possess some good qualities which are the
means to certain perfections. But a Muslim knows both the prophets, and
his Sustainer, and all perfection by means of Muhammad the Arabian (PBUH).
If one of them abandons the Prophet’s instruction and puts himself
outside his fold, he will not recognize any other prophet, neither will he
recognize God. Nor will he know any of the fundamentals within his spirit
which will preserve his perfections. For, since Muhammad (PBUH) is the
last and greatest of the prophets, and his religion and summons are for
the whole of mankind, and since he is superior to all with regard to his
miracles and religion, and acts as teacher to all mankind in all matters
concerning reality, and has proved this in a brilliant manner for fourteen
centuries, and is the cause of pride for mankind, a Muslim who abandons
Muhammad (PBUH)’s essential training and the principles of his
religion will most certainly be unable to find any light, or achieve any
perfection. He will be condemned to absolute decline.

And so, you
unfortunates who are addicted to the pleasures of the life of this world,
and with anxiety at the future, struggle to secure it and your lives! If
you want pleasure, delight, happiness, and ease in this world, make do
with what is licit. That is sufficient for your enjoyment. You will surely
have understood from other parts of the Risale-i Nur that in each pleasure
which is outside this and is illicit, lies a thousand pains. If the events
of the future —for example, of fifty years hence— were shown
in the cinema in the same way that they show at the present time the
events of the past, those who indulge in vice would weep filled with
horror and disgust at those things which now amuse them.

Those who wish to be
permanently, eternally happy in this world and the next should take as
their guide the instruction of Muhammad (PBUH) within the bounds of



1. One of these is
the Risale-i Nur. And it is there for all to see.


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