
I have a question about the difference between .join() and 

I'm using example from 
(the one with SavingsAccount and User)
The doc shows SQL for 

Session().query(User, User.balance).join(User.accounts).filter(User.balance 
> 5000)

which is 

SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name, account.balance AS 
FROM "user" JOIN account ON "user".id = account.user_id
WHERE account.balance > :balance_1

if I change the Python code to

User.balance).options(joinedload(User.accounts)).filter(User.balance > 

it generates different SQL, which I believe does a cartesian join:

SELECT "user".id AS user_id, "user".name AS user_name, account.balance AS 
account_balance, account_1.id AS account_1_id, account_1.user_id AS 
account_1_user_id, account_1.balance AS account_1_balance 
FROM account, "user" LEFT OUTER JOIN account AS account_1 ON "user".id = 
WHERE account.balance > :balance_1

Is there something I'm missing?

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