I have seen many posts about the QueuePool limit but I really don't know 
how to solve it in my code.

The error is: *TimeoutError: QueuePool limit of size 5 overflow 10 reached, 
connection timed out, timeout 30*

I start one unique session in the __init__.py like this:

engine = create_engine("mysql://" + loadConfigVar("user") + ":" + 
loadConfigVar("password") + "@" + loadConfigVar("host") + "/" + 

    #Sets the engine to the session and the Base model class

Then in subsequent code I use it like this:

from .dbmodels import DBSession 
    rescount = DBSession.connection().execute("select 
resource_id,count(resource_id) as total FROM resourcestats")

DBSession is defined like:

DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension

Does the execution of an SQL increases the pool limit? Or what you reckon 
is going on?


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