My question is about SQLAlchemy but I'm having troubles explaining it
in words so I figured I explain it with a simple example of what I'm
trying to achieve:

    parent = Table('parent', metadata,
        Column('parent_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('name', Unicode),
    parent_child = Table('parent_child', metadata,
        Column('parent_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('child_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('number', Integer),
        ForeignKeyConstraint(['parent_id'], ['parent.parent_id']),
        ForeignKeyConstraint(['child_id'], ['child.child_id']),
    child = Table('child', metadata,
        Column('child_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('name', Unicode),
    class Parent(object):
    class ParentChild(object):
    class Child(object):

    >>> p = Parent(name=u'A')
    >>> print p.children
    >>> p.children[0] = Child(name=u'Child A')
    >>> p.children[10] = Child(name=u'Child B')
    >>> p.children[10] = Child(name=u'Child C')

This code would create 3 rows in parent_child table, column number
would be 0 for the first row, and 10 for the second and third row.

    >>> print p.children
    {0: [<Child A>], 10: [<Child B>, <Child C>]}
    >>> print p.children[10][0]
    <Child B>

(I left out all SQLAlchemy session/engine code in the example to make
it as clean as possible)

I did a try usingĀ“


on a relation between Parent and ParentChild, but it only gave me one
child for each number. Not a dict with lists in it.
Any help appreciated!

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