
This commit()-not-doing-anything problem is driving me crazy :(
All my other commits in the same code base are working perfectly,
it's just this one.

My Session is a scoped_session --

Session = scoped_session(
        sessionmaker(autoflush=True, transactional=True, ...))

A debug goes --

(Pdb) list
277      import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
278  ->  item_property = itemproperty_q.filter_by(
279              a_itemid=a_itemid, b_itemid=b_itemid,
280              propertyid=propertyid,
281              userid=userid).first()
282      item_property.fav_itemid = fav_itemid
283      model.Session.commit()
(Pdb) n
> /item.py(279)compare()
-> a_itemid=a_itemid, b_itemid=b_itemid,
(Pdb) n
> /item.py(280)compare()
-> propertyid=propertyid,
(Pdb) n
> /item.py(281)compare()
-> userid=userid).first()
(Pdb) n

So far so good, generates lots of output from the select statement.
The next statement sets item_property.fav_itemid to 10002 from None --

> /item.py(282)compare()
-> item_property.fav_itemid = fav_itemid
(Pdb) list
277      import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
278      item_property = itemproperty_q.filter_by(
279              a_itemid=a_itemid, b_itemid=b_itemid,
280              propertyid=propertyid,
281              userid=userid).first()
282  ->  item_property.fav_itemid = fav_itemid
283      model.Session.commit()
(Pdb) item_property.fav_itemid
(Pdb) fav_itemid

But then the next Session.commit() statement does _nothing_ --

(Pdb) n
> /item.py(283)compare()
-> model.Session.commit()
(Pdb) item_property.fav_itemid
(Pdb) n
> /item.py(254)compare()

I spent much time ripping the mapped table into an IPython session and
saw it working fine --

In [82]: item_property.fav_itemid = 10002
In [83]: Session.commit()
...<executes the update statement>

What could have gong wrong?

_Many_ thanks in advance!

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