
Just thought I'd spam the list here (in case anyone who hasn't seen my
IRC spam recently).

I'm working on a monetdb[0] backend for SQLAlchemy.  Monetdb is a
column oriented db[1].  Basically that means it's not fast at
transactions per se, but can be 10+X faster on select queries.  So if
you are messing with reports or cubes you might be interested.  Here's
a paper showing ~4X increase over oracle (using 1 AthlonMP 1.5Ghz on
monetdb and a 16 CPU Itanium Oracle machine) [2], and a 7X improvement
over Mysql. (They also have another new db kernel that runs everything
in the CPU cache and gives another 7X performance boost over standard
Monetdb, but that isn't generally available... keep your fingers

I just thought I'd plug it, since it appears that many haven't heard
of column oriented dbs, or Monetdb (it's open source too!).  My code
is attached to ticket 874[3].  Disclaimer, this is a pre alpha
backend.  I'm still getting some 24 failures on the SQL testcases
alone.  But for some stuff it might be useable.  (Don't expect
much/any ORM stuff to work yet).

WRT Monetdb itself, the developers have been a pleasure to work with.
They are quick to respond to questions and fix bugs(almost as fast as
the SA folks ;)).  I'd recommend using their nightly build script, if
you are running Linux, it's one command to build it.  (Plus there are
probably some recent fixes that you'd want (the python client had a
few bugs that have been fixed in the nightlies)).

Give it a try if you're in the market for some speedy queries.


ps - Random trivia: Monetdb hails from the same labs that guido/python
sprang from ;)

[0] -
[1] -
[2] -
[3] -

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