Hi guys,

I have an application running under 0.4.7p1 It access a MSSQL server
using pymssql. Now I am trying to see if I can port it to 05 and use
pyodbc (2.1.4).

I am experiencing a strange problem.

I have defined some custom column types (see below)  to deal with some
legacy database. Essentially I have to deal with columns defined as
text but that are essentially integer.

So I defined my table with those types, classes  and  created mappers

Now, when I run the code, I don't see the custom type conversion being
run and the type of attribute corresponding to the column is not what
I expect. In this case it is a string instead of the expected integer

Python 2.5.2 (r252, Sep 15 2008, 11:30:53)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2 p1.0.1)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import database as db
>>> sess=db.getDBSession()
>>> stock=sess.query(db.Stock).get(3)
>>> stock.id

If I run the same code under 0.4.7p1 and pymssql I get

Python 2.5.2 (r252, Sep 15 2008, 11:30:53)
[GCC 4.1.2 (Gentoo 4.1.2 p1.0.1)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import database as db
>>> sess=db.getDBSession()
>>> stock=sess.query(db.Stock).get(3)
Converting 3 to string
Returning 03 as int
Returning 03 as int
>>> stock.id

So the int is converted to padded string on the query (get) and the
string is converted (twice?) to int when the object is created.  This
is very much what I expected.

Note that the query succeeds and return the right object in both

I looked at the doc but there seem to be nothing wrong with what I do.
Is it me or have I stumbled onto something?


Here is some code snippet

============ %< ============= %<==============
 class IntString(sa.types.TypeDecorator):
        """A string type converted between string and integer"""

        impl = sa.types.String
        def convert_bind_param(self, value, engine):
                """Convert from int to string"""
                if value is None:
                        return None
                return str(value)
        def convert_result_value(self, value, engine):
                """Convert from string to int"""
                #return unicode(value,"utf8")
                if value is None:
                        return None
                return int(value.strip())

class PaddedIntString(IntString):
        """A string type converted between string and integer with some

        def __init__(self, length=None, convert_unicode=False,padding='0'):
                if length is None:
                        raise Exception("Use IntString instead")


        def convert_bind_param(self, value, engine):
                """Convert from int to string"""
                if value is None:
                        return None
                print "Converting %d to string"%value
                return self.pat%(value)

        def convert_result_value(self, value, engine):
                """Convert from string to int"""
                #return unicode(value,"utf8")
                if value is None:
                        return None
                print "Returning %s as int"%value
                return int(value.strip())

        sa.Column("StoreNo",PaddedIntString(2), primary_key=True),

class Stock(DBObject):
        """One of our  Real or virtual shops"""
        def __repr__(self):
                if self.id in self.FGStocks.keys():
                        return self.FGStocks[self.id]
                if self.id in self.VirtualStocks.keys():
                        return self.VirtualStocks[self.id]
                if self.id in self.OtherStocks.keys():
                        return self.OtherStocks[self.id]
                return "Unknown Stock %d"%(self.id)

        def _Unposted(self):
                return [ x for x in self.Inventory if x.Level!=x.Balance ]


        FGStocks={1:"Stock 1", 2:"Stock 2"}
        VirtualStocks={3:"V Stock 1", 4:"V Stock 2"}
        OtherStocks={5:"O Stock 1", 6:"O Stock 2"}

Stock.Pmapper=mapper(Stock, tblStore, properties={
        'Inventory':relation(StockItem,lazy=True, cascade="all, delete-
        'id' :  tblStore.c.StoreNo,
============ %< ============= %<==============
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