Michael Bayer wrote:
> I will add further detail to the error message.
the new message is:
CompileError: bindparam() name 'x' is reserved for automatic usage in the
VALUES or SET clause of this insert/update statement. Please use a name
other than column name when using bindparam() with insert(
Jeff Peck wrote:
> I recently tried out 0.6 beta 3, and I noticed that the following
> construct is no longer allowed using the sql expression language:
> def update_foos(connection, foo_items):
> update = foo_table.update(
> foo_table.c.id == bindparam('id'),
> values = { 'co
I recently tried out 0.6 beta 3, and I noticed that the following
construct is no longer allowed using the sql expression language:
def update_foos(connection, foo_items):
update = foo_table.update(
foo_table.c.id == bindparam('id'),
values = { 'column_1' : bindparam('column_1'