On Nov 19, 2012, at 6:21 AM, limodou wrote:

> I hacked alembic recently, but I have no bitbucket account, and I think my 
> hacks maybe not very good, so I fork the alembic repo in github(someone 
> create it, but the version is not the lastest), so I upgrade my fork to 0.4.0 
> first, then push my hacks. Maybe it has some useful for you. What I've done?
> This is the changeset 
> https://github.com/limodou/alembic/commit/dd68c12bf2c738e079d1611ea216db63ff7667e4
> I've done two places:
> 1. Fix PickleType code bug
> 2. Format some types to unified string format, so that the comparetype will 
> more accurately, for example: decimal will be convert to Numeric, and varchar 
> will skip unicodesoncvert parameter, etc. 
> The patch works only for me now, and I just test it in mysql.

well, I see you commented out the existing system for doing this.  The rules 
for doing anything at all with types, comparing them, rendering, have to stay 
as dialect-specific rules.   The rules for MySQL are totally different from 
those of Postgresql.

There's an issue posted via alembic for PickleType is on the SQLAlchemy side 
and is http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/2584, however if you upgrade to 
SQLAlchemy 0.8 that issue is fixed.

if there's a new issue that isn't fixed by SQLA 0.8, please add a new ticket to 
the Alembic tracker.

Also bitbucket accounts are free, I highly recommend creating one !

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