I have a pair of selects that I am using with union_all and I'd like
to have better control of aliasing so I can use sum on the column in
the outer select that is made up of the count() and literal columns
from the unioned selects.

s1 = select([count(), id, name], cat_id == 6, [join(item_tbl, aa_tbl,
Item.id == AA.item_id).join(grp_tbl, Group.id == Item.group_id)],
group_by=[Group.name, Group.id])
s2 = select([literal(0), id, name], cat_id == 6, group_by=[Group.name,

u1 = union_all(s1, s2).alias('group_with_zero').select(group_by=

When I execute u1 I get the expect error that count _1 needs to be
part of the group by or used in an aggregate. Ideally I'd like the
outer select to be performing a sum() on that column. But I'm drawing
a blank in figuring out how to control the aliasing explicitly so I
can make that happen.

Am I going about this backwards or missing the obvious?



Here is the SQL I hand crafted before I started building the expr

select id, name, sum(cnt) as total from
                (select count(*) as cnt, groupname as name,
invgroups.groupid as id from invgroups
                join invtypes on invtypes.groupid = invgroups.groupid
                join aa on aa.type_id = invtypes.typeid
                group by groupname, invgroups.groupid)

                UNION ALL

                (select 0 as cnt, groupname as name, groupid as id
from invgroups where categoryid = 6 group by groupname, groupid)
            ) as TT
            group by TT.name, TT.id
            order by TT.name

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