When creating a Table object with the autoload parameter set to True,
DateTime fields in SQL Server 2000 apepar to cause fatal errors in
SQLAlchemy.  In the reflecttable method in mssql.py, it pulls a
numericprec and numericscale value for the DateTime column.  It then
stuffs these two values into the args variable, and attempts to pass
them to the proper TypeEngine type.

The problem is that it resolves the type to MSDateTime, which is a
child of DateTime.  The constructor for DateTime only takes a timezone
agrument (and self of course), so when the constructor is called at
line 1168:

coltype = coltype(*args, **kwargs)

The following exception is thrown:

TypeError: __init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

You can recreate the bug by doing the following:

1) Run the following script on your SQL Server 2000 server.

USE SADateTimeBug
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[testtable] (
        [testid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
        [testDate] [datetime] NOT NULL

2) Run the following python code:

from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

appTrackEngine = create_engine('mssql://./SATest',
appTrackMetaData = MetaData()
appTrackMetaData.bind = appTrackEngine
AppTrackSession = sessionmaker(bind=appTrackEngine)

table_applications = Table('testtable', appTrackMetaData,

Is this a real bug or am I doing something wrong?
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