MySQL 5.0.38 with InnoDB tables / SQL Alchemy 0.4.4 / Python 2.5.1

Hi,  I'm really impressed with SQL Alchemy in
general, but now that I'm trying to use it for a large-ish project,
I'm getting stuck more often than I'd like.

The problem is that when I try to create a record
that has foreign keys, I get:  Exception: IntegrityError
 'Cannot add or update a child row a foreign
key constraint fails.  FOREIGN KEY(`tag`)
REFERENCES `tags`(`id`)

I _know_ that the tag with the particular ID is already
 in the tags table.

The first time I had this problem, I had a one-to-
many between just two tables, and I would get this
error if I did a on the user side (
the one side) and then did a
 on the many side.  I _really_ want to do the session
.saves like this sometimes.  I got it to work by doing
the recommended user.logs.append(log_entry) with a
 relation defined in the user mapper.

Now, I have a slightly more complex situation, and I
can't find a way to make it work.  Every
time I try to tag the log entry, I get the
Integrity Errors.

My tables and mappings are:

self.user_table = Table('user', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('username', Unicode(60), index=True),
    Column('full_name', Unicode(80)),
    Column('email', Unicode(80), index=True),
    Column('pubkey', Unicode(120)),
    Column('password_md5', Unicode(120)),

user_mapper = mapper(model.User, self.user_table,
    properties = {
        'logs': relation(model.Log, backref='author'),
        'tags': relation(model.Tagging, backref='tagger'),

self.logtype_table = Table('log_type', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('mime_type', Unicode(20)),
    Column('is_python', Boolean),

mapper(model.LogType, self.logtype_table)

self.log_table = Table('log', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('author_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
    Column('created', DateTime, nullable=False),
    Column('type', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
    Column('title', Unicode(120), nullable=False),
    Column('contents', UnicodeText, nullable=False),
    Column('parent', Integer, ForeignKey('')),

log_mapper = mapper(model.Log, self.log_table,
        properties = { 'tags': relation(model.Tagging) }

self.tags_table = Table('tags', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('name', Unicode(120), nullable=False),

mapper(model.Tag, self.tags_table)

self.taggings_table = Table('taggings', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('tagger_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''),
    Column('when', DateTime, nullable=False),
    Column('tag', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
    Column('tagged', Integer, ForeignKey('')),
mapper(model.Tagging, self.taggings_table)

You can see that the last table has three Foreign Keys.

I can add a user (self.jim) to the database, and also a log
entry (self.log), and then I try to add a tag, and a tagging:

# add a user and a log entry

# add a tag
t = model.Tag('maplesong')
self.session.flush() # successful

# and with that tag, we create a tagging
tg = model.Tagging(self.jim, self.log, t,

self.session.flush() # Integrity Error

At which point I get the Exception: IntegrityError 'Cannot
add or update a child row a foreign key
constraint fails.  FOREIGN KEY(`tag`) REFERENCES

I do not want to add the tagging to the tag... t.taggings.
add(tg)  That doesn't make sense to me.

So my question is:  How can I avoid these inappropriate
Integrity Errors?  The foreign key that it's complaining
about really does already exist.


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