I have a use case where detail data is collected during operation then
copied periodically to a history table. In SA, tables look something
like this:

#history data
history = Table('history', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('naturalkey', String, unique=True, nullable=False),
    Column('data', String, nullable=False)
#daily detail data
detail = Table('detail', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('naturalkey', String, unique=True),
    Column('data', String, nullable=False)

Copying the data using SQL can be accomplished in one statement by
inserting into history the data selected from detail. Using SA I can
accomplish this using text() to construct a statement

stmt = text("""INSERT INTO history (naturalkey, data)
                SELECT naturalkey, data FROM detail""")

Is there some way to construct the statement using higher level
construct than text()? For efficiency, I would want to get the same
SQL generated, not a series of inserts or even an executemany()

I have tried a couple of variations combining history.insert() and
detail.select() without success.

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