I've been digging around the archives, web and source code to figure
case insensitive queries using SA, and am posting these notes:
(a) for review and comment, and
(b) to provide some possible hints for others who may follow

For me, a big benefit of using SA is that it insulates me from
database specifics.  Ideally, I wanted a way to handle case
insensitive queries that would work across all supported databases, or
at least SQLite, MySQL and Postgres.  Previous messages on this list
[1][2] suggest that won't happen before SA 0.5 (with no guarantee of
that, I guess) [3].  There was a possible answer at [4], but I didn't
like the potential implications for query performance.



[3] http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/487


So the solution I've adopted, and tested with SQLite, is to use a
TypeDecorator class, thus:
class CI_String(sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator):
    Defines a case insensitive string type using SQLite dialect

    TODO: extend case insensitive specification to support other
    impl = sqlalchemy.String

    def get_col_spec(self):
        return super(CI_String,self).get_col_spec()+" COLLATE NOCASE"

Which I use in a Table definition thus:
def defineAffyLocalTable(tablename, metadata):
    Return SQLAlchemy table for Affymetrix local data entry.
    table = Table(tablename, metadata,
        Column('recordid',    Integer, Sequence('recordid_seq'),
        Column('probeid',     CI_String(25), index=True),
        Column('aly_mean',    Float),
        Column('can_mean',    Float),
        Column('comr_mean',   Float),
        Column('topi_mean',   Float),
        Column('zaa_mean',    Float),
        Column('red_e_mean',  Float),
        Column('description', Text),
    return table

Might something like this be a basis for a fairly simple SA-common
type that can be implemented appropriately for each database?


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