I am planning on using sqlalchemy to build the api for a database I am
developing, and I was wondering if there is any type of column
verification that occurs before database commit.

I.E.:  a string column with length 40 would throw a verification
exception if a value longer that 40 characters was placed into it and

Additionally has anyone thought of implementing some sort of
verification support for objects that are mapped which would allow the
object to perform pre database action logic?  The intent being that the
instance would check to see that the object meets additional business
logic requirements before it is inserted or updated.

I.E.: a User business object would verify that the userid was part of
the [a-z] [A-Z]and [0-9] character classes, and if not an exception
would be raised to prevent the database action.

My sincerest apologies If this functionality already exists for
sqlalchemy. If the functionality exists please point me in the right
direction. If not I would be interested in some help developing the
functionality for my uses, and then returning the code to the
sqlalchemy repository if the community thinks that the features are

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