I have some items which are related but I need to change it so they 
related to another item.

Before getting myself in a mess (as I need to do this for a bunch of 
tables) I wanted to check if the following approach is fine.

I am using SA 0.5, ORM and declarative and the model is:

class Cbbottle(Base):
    __table__ = sa.Table(u'cbbottle', metadata,
    sa.Column(u'cbbottleid', sa.Integer(), 
sa.Sequence('gen_cbbottle_cbbottleid'), primary_key=True, nullable=False),

purchase = sao.relation('Purchase', cascade="all, delete, 
delete-orphan", backref='cbbottle')

aItem = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(keyno)
bItem = session.query(db.Cbbottle).get(anotherkeyno)

for purchase in aItem.purchase:
    purchase.cbbottle = bItem


At this point I expect that aItem has no more "purchase" relations and 
they are all related to bItem.


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