Hi All,

I am having a very bad day (or two to be honest), spending time  
reading error messages.

I am sorry to say but the SQLALCHEMY documentation is not very helpful
when using declarative_base.... when it is about relations......

It should be very easy for you database guy's (which I'm not, I'm more  
of a protocoll/low level programmer)

The problem.

I am implementing a calendaring system based on the ical specification.

Consider the following ( I'll keep it as simple as possible):

I am using MySQL 5.+
SQLAlchemy 0.5.6

Class           |       __tablename__
Calendar        |       Calendars
Event           |       CalendarEvents
Todo            |       CalendarTodos
Alarm           |       CalendarAlarms
XProp           |       CalendarXProps

(Tablenames do not reflect Objectnames, sorry for that, it is a  


class XProp(Base):
        __tablename__           = "CalendarXProps"
        Id                      = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        EventId                 = the Id of the event this XProp belongs to
        AlarmId                 = the Id of the Alarm this Xprop belongs to
        CalendarId              = The Id of the Calendar ..........
        Name                    = Column(.......
        Value                   = Column(......

(either EventId or AlarmId or CalendarId is used)

class Event(Base):
        __tablename__           ="CalendarEvents"
        Id                      = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        CalendarId              = the ID of the Calendar this Object belongs to
        XProps                  = relation zero or more XProp (I would like to 
do: for  
XProp in self.XProps: ...... )
        X                       = Column(....
        Y                       = Column(...

        def __init__(self):
                self.Xprops = [ ]
                self.X = "X"
                self.Y = 576234

class Alarm(Base):
        __tablename__           ="CalendarAlarms"
        Id                      = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
        CalendarId              = the ID of the Calendar this Object belongs to
        XProps                  = relation zero or more XProp
        X                       = Column(....
        Y                       = Column(...

        def __init__(self):
                self.Xprops = [ ]
                self.X = "X klsdjkladsjkd ddsa"
                self.Y = 5

class Calendar(Base):
        __tablename__           = "Calendars"
        Id                      = Column(Integer, primairy_key=True)
        Events                  = relation One Calendar zero or more Events 
(i.e. [ ],  
        Alarms                  = relation One Calendar zero or more Alarms
        XProps                  = relation, One Calendar zero or more XProp
        X                       = Column(....
        Y                       = Column(...

        def __init__(self):
                self.Events = [ ]
                self.Alarms = [ ]
                self.Xprops = [ ]
                self.X = "X"
                self.Y = 576234

cal = Calendar()

the X, Y, Name and Value columns indicate example record data)

The Errormessages are allways on the line with cal = Calendar(),  
saying the original errormessage has probaby been lost due to  
Not very helpfull since over 40 objecttypes are trying to do the same  

Whatever I do with ForeignKey, backref, relation keeps popping up  
errors whenever I try to make a Calendar Instance (e.g. cal = Calendar 
()  )
One or mappers failed to compile.....

The big problem is that the tablenames are not equal to the Object  
names and that seems to confuse SQLAlchemy .
Many errors (every time I run my program It generates a different error)

Like" table 'Calendar' " not found (I never said there is a table  
Calendar, that is the objectname, I specify Calendars.Id)

Can someone please help me with the setting up the relations. in the  
example above to give me a starting point. (there are about 40 XProp  
alike Objects and some Alarm/Even alike objects, I have reduced the  
above example to the minimum possible)

So what I need is help with the relation and Foreign Key columns  
including the backrefs (I need to search CalendarEvents and find the  
corresponding Calendar)

Thank you very mutch!!!!


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