Hi All,

    at the end, I finally cracked the problem with the tree-structured
database with SQLAlchemy. I still have however a problem.
I am using a "physical" database, not an in-memory one. I have
declared my Tables as follows:

trees = Table('treenodes', metadata,
              Column('node_id', Integer,
Sequence('treenode_id_seq',optional=False), primary_key=True),
              Column('parent_node_id', Integer,
ForeignKey('treenodes.node_id'), nullable=True),
              Column('node_name', String(500), nullable=False),
              Column('formattedname', String(500), nullable=False),
              Column('data_ident', Integer, ForeignKey('treedata.data_id'))

treedata = Table("treedata", metadata,
                 Column('data_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                 Column('value', String(100), nullable=False)

mapper(TreeNode, trees, properties=dict(id=trees.c.node_id,
cascade="all", backref=backref("parent",

treedata, properties=dict(id=treedata.c.data_id)),

cascade="all,delete,delete-orphan", lazy=False))

Everything goes ok, I can save my data to a database file called
MyDatabase.db. After saving few items, the database size is about 180
Kb. So far so good. But when I delete one or more items (also if I
delete all the items) using:


By printing the node names, I know that bad_node is no more there, but
its data seems to still live in the database. I mean, even if I delete
*all* the items, the database size is still 180 Kb, no matter how much
I flush(), clear(), close() and reopen the database.
I am sure I am missing something. Which is the usual approach to
delete *permanently* things from a database?

Thank you in advance for your suggestions.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."

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