Hi, I am trying to sote pairs in a table as follows:

from elixir import *

metadata.bind = "sqlite:///:memory:"
metadata.bind.echo = False

class Pairs(Entity):
    name = Field(String(50), primary_key = True)
    other = OneToOne('Pairs', inverse = 'other')

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

def pair(name1, name2):
    p1, p2 = Pairs(name1), Pairs(name2)
    p1.other = p2

if __name__ == '__main__':


    pair('p1', 'p2')

I am not very famiiar with SQL etc. but logically this seems possible
(please orrect me if I am wrong). However I get the following error:
File "D:\Documents\Code\Eclipse\workspace\SQLAdata\src\tests.py", line
22, in <module>
  File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\elixir\__init__.py", line 94, in

  File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\elixir\entity.py", line 951, in
  File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\elixir\entity.py", line 198, in
  File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\elixir\entity.py", line 481, in
  File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\elixir\relationships.py", line 448,
in create_pk_cols
  File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\elixir\relationships.py", line 791,
in create_keys
  File "build\bdist.win-amd64\egg\elixir\relationships.py", line 521,
in inverse
AssertionError: Relationships 'other' in entity 'Pair' and 'other' in
entity 'Pair' cannot be inverse of each other because their types do
not form a valid combination.

Can anyone help me to understand the error and possibly fix it?

Thanks in advance, Lars

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