I have a Flask route(method) that assigns queries to 4 connect objects.  3 
work fine, 1 was working, but now gives me a sqlalchemy.exc.ResourceClosedError 
and I can't get it working again.  When I paste that same sql into a 
dbmanager it returns 5 records as expected.

What else could be causing this?

Here is the offending line:

progress = con.execute("select goals.category, sum(transactions.amount) as 
sum, goals.goal,  ((sum(transactions.amount)/ goals.goal )*100) as progress 
from goals, transactions where goals.category=transactions.category and 
goals.email=:param group by goals.category", {"param":session['email']} )

return render_template('home.html', progress=progress )

end of stack trace:

   - File "E:\Dropbox\flask\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", 
   line *3051*, in __iter__
   row = self.fetchone()
   - File "E:\Dropbox\flask\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", 
   line *3241*, in fetchone
   row = self._fetchone_impl()
   - File "E:\Dropbox\flask\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", 
   line *3158*, in _fetchone_impl
   - File "E:\Dropbox\flask\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py", 
   line *3182*, in _non_result
   raise exc.ResourceClosedError("This result object is closed.")
ResourceClosedError: This result object is closed.

This seems to imply there was a fetchone issue..  It should be producing an 
iterable set that my template for loop can work through. 

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