
I'm not a SQLAchemy expert ( just an average user... ). I have an
application that's causing me some problems... It's a monitoring
application that connects to a MS Sql Server, so it's always on.
Sometimes happens that casualy I have a DBAPIError with pyodbc. The
error is something like [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's
SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_DBC failed .... After the first time I
have  this error every other DB operation generates this Error.
So.. what I would like to do is completely close ( kill ) che active
connection pool and recreate it. My code is somethink like this:

sa_engine=sa.create_engine(dbUri, echo=False, strategy='threadlocal')
sa_Session = sa.orm.scoped_session( sessionmaker(bind=sa_engine,
autoflush=False) )
metadata = sa.MetaData(sa_engine)
sa_session = sa_Session()

and then:

del sa_session
del sa_Session
del sa_engine

But after executing this Sql Server Profiler tells me that the
connection is still opened. The only way is to kill the application.
My sqlalchemy.__version__ is 0.4.8



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