
Today I have questions regarding generic associations and more specifically 
the *table_per_association* example:


I am trying to adapt it to the following case:

   - A class *Object* which represents objects in the game (like potions or 
   - A class *ObjectContainer* which represents a container with a list of 
   objects contained in it (a chest for example)
   - A class *Hands* which represents the hands of a player. These hands 
   can hold objects. However, the class Hands must not directly contain the 
   list of the objects held by the players. The class Hands finds them in 
   another way

Here is my code:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import as_declarative, declared_attr
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Integer, Column, \
                    String, ForeignKey, Table
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship


class Base(object):
    """Base class which provides automated table name
    and surrogate primary key column.

    def __tablename__(cls):
        return cls.__name__.lower()
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

class Object(Base):
    name = Column(String, nullable=False)

class HasObjects(object):

    def objects(cls):
        object_association = Table(
            "%s_objects" % cls.__tablename__,
            Column("object_id", ForeignKey("object.id"),
            Column("%s_id" % cls.__tablename__,
                                ForeignKey("%s.id" % cls.__tablename__),
        return relationship(Object, secondary=object_association)

        # The following line doesn't works :
        #   return relationship(Object, secondary=object_association, 
        # Error :
        # sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Error creating backref 'parent' on 
        # relationship 'ObjectContainer.objects': property of that name 
exists on mapper 
        # 'Mapper|Object|object'

class ObjectContainer(HasObjects, Base):
    name = Column(String)

class Hands(HasObjects, Base):
    name = Column(String)

engine = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)

session = Session(engine)

        name='Chest 1',
            Object(name="potion 1"),
            Object(name="potion 2")

        name="Hands player 1",
            Object(name="potion 3"),
            Object(name="potion 4")


I have two questions:

   1. How could I have a parent attribute in *Object* linked to 
   *ObjectContainer* or *Hands*? I tried with backref but it doesn’t seems 
   to work (see comments in the code)
   2. How could I avoid the fact that *Hands*, with this *HasObjects* 
   mixin, automatically get a list of objects? I only need to have the parent 
   attribute of *Object* linked to *Hands* but I don’t need to have any 
   list of the objects in *Hands*. Of course, I could ignore that and let 
   the list be created but it’s a bit dirty

I assume that the answers are pretty simple but I think my comprehension of 
the “secondary” parameter of relationship is not good enough to find a 

Thank you!


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The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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