Ok, two queries:

rsvp = session.query(Project.project, func.count(Reservation.project_id)).join(Reservation.project).group_by(Project.project, Project.id).order_by(Project.project).all()

h = session.query(Project.project, func.count(Host.id)).join(Project.hosts).group_by(Project.project).all()

The first one counts reservations per project, the second one hosts per project.

Is it possible to do this in one query? Joins are no help as they produce outlandish numbers:

>>> h = session.query(Project.project, func.count(Host.id), func.count(Reservation.project_id)).join(Project.hosts).join(Project.reservations).group_by(Project.project)
>>> print h
SELECT project.project AS project_project, count(hosts.id) AS count_1, count(reservation.project_id) AS count_2 FROM project JOIN hosts ON project.id = hosts.project_id JOIN reservation ON project.id = reservation.project_id GROUP BY project.project

>>> h.all()
[(u'DMS_OTIS', 54L, 54L), (u'CLOUDBURST', 8L, 8L), (u'CIS', 12L, 12L), (u'TESTPROJ', 4L, 4L), (u'ICAD', 118L, 118L), (u'DI', 8250L, 8250L), (u'ITPA', 2544L, 2544L), (u'LMT', 886030L, 886030L), (u'RXA', 160L, 160L)]

This is probably bc hosts.id is counted multiple times (per reservation)?

The obvious answer would be to use subquery for Project, but how to do it?



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