
I am having problems with saving/restoring mapped objects from a pylons 

I am getting the "no attribute" on a list attribute (which is a one-many 
relationship) error when pylons tries to unpickle the object.

I've read a previous post where Michael explains why this happens.
I have turned off all lazy loaders. I have also tried to implement 
but not sure what I should be doing in there.

This is my example:

class Invoice: pass
class InvoiceLine: pass

db.mapper(InvoiceLine, db.invoice_line_table)
db.mapper(Invoice, db.invoice_table,
   properties = {
       'client': relation(Client, lazy=True),
       'lines': relation(InvoiceLine, lazy=True),

This works:

import pickle
i = Invoice()
pickle.dump(i, file('test', 'w'))
i = pickle.load(file('test'))

if I then do this
il = InvoiceLine()
pickle.dump(i, file('test', 'w'))

I get this:
File "/home/huy/apps/sqlalchemy/lib/sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py", line 
452, in __setstate__
AttributeError: type object 'Invoice' has no attribute 'lines'

How can I get around this problem ?



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