I've decided that for a WSGI framework I'm working on (based on
Werkzeug, if that helps) that SQLAlchemy will be the official ORM - as
in, the framework will handle the database side of the equation and
the user just provides the models. However, I am trying to figure out
how to make sure that the tables, all imported from distinct apps, all
use the same metadata. Whatever solution I use, I want to make sure

- Every model is on the same, pre-bound metadata
- Both table/object/mapper and ext.declarative are usable
- It will run both on the Web and from command line tools

What I was thinking about doing was making every app have a "models"
function like this:

def models(metadata, AlchemyObject)
    foo_table = Table("myapp_foos", metadata...)
    class Foo(object): pass
    foo_mapper = mapper(Foo, foo_table)
    class Bar(AlchemyObject):
    return [foo_mapper, Bar]

But that is ugly and non-Pythonic. Does anyone know of a way that I
can make sure that every app is using the same metadata for its
models, but doesn't put too much of a burden on the users?

BDFL, Pacific Science
(PS: Is it possible to access the underlying tables and classes from
mapper objects? I can't find anything about it in the docs.)

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