Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2012 11:39:39
Subject: Bug in old-style mutable type? (was Re: [sqlalchemy] How can I tell
SA that a mutable attribute has changed?)
On 24/02/2012 10:49, Chris Withers wrote:
> (Does SA have a JSONType now? we're us
can I tell SA that a mutable attribute has changed?
Hi All,
I have a JSON field that's value is usually a dictionary:
class MyModel(Base):
config = Column(JSONType(255))
(Does SA have a JSONType now? we're using a homebrew one, that may be
where the problem lies...)
So, if
On 24/02/2012 10:49, Chris Withers wrote:
(Does SA have a JSONType now? we're using a homebrew one, that may be
where the problem lies...)
For reference, I've included the code for this type at the end of this
email, it uses MutableType, so the following should work:
obj = session.query(MyM
Hi All,
I have a JSON field that's value is usually a dictionary:
class MyModel(Base):
config = Column(JSONType(255))
(Does SA have a JSONType now? we're using a homebrew one, that may be
where the problem lies...)
So, if I do:
obj = session.query(MyModel).one()
obj.config['foo'] += 1