
I've been adding a hybrid property to a model as per the documentation at 
http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/extensions/hybrid.html. In 
particular, the behavior is complicated enough that I need to define the 
expression version of the property separate from the normal version.

My model looks like this:

class MyModel(object):
    # ...

    def my_property(self):
        # Do some stuff at the instance level

    def my_property(cls):
        # Do some stuff at the class level

This works as expected, but if I change the name of the class function it 
suddenly stops working - based on the error it seems like the renamed class 
function is being ignored and the instance function is being used instead. 
Weirdly, this does not happen when using hybrid methods rather than 
properties - so the following works as expected:

class MyModel(object):
    # ...

    def my_property(self):
        # Do some stuff at the instance level

    def my_property_expression(cls):
        # Do some stuff at the class level

This is confusing - from the look of the code, the two decorators seem to 
work in the same way, so I am not sure why the renaming matters to the 
property and not the method. Is this expected behaviour?



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