
The api output comes up with the special charaters such as newline and \.   
The output looks good when i'm executing from the IDE. but while looking 
towards the url, it shows up like below and not in good format.   It 
becomes trouble while on the retrival.

"[{\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 1.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" @ 
(\\\"at\\\" sign)\", \"SEQ\": 2.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" 
-------------\", \"SEQ\": 3.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" Runs the 
SQL*Plus statements in the specified script. The script can be\", \"SEQ\": 
4.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" called from the local file system or 
a web server.\", \"SEQ\": 5.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 
6.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" @ {url|file_name[.ext]} [arg ...]\", 
\"SEQ\": 7.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 8.0, \"TOPIC\": 
\"@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" where url supports HTTP and FTP protocols in the 
form:\", \"SEQ\": 9.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 10.0, 
\"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" http://host.domain/script.sql\";, \"SEQ\": 
11.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, {\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 12.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@\"}, 
{\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 1.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" @@ (double 
\\\"at\\\" sign)\", \"SEQ\": 2.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" 
---------------------\", \"SEQ\": 3.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": null, 
\"SEQ\": 4.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" Runs the specified script. 
This command is almost identical to\", \"SEQ\": 5.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, 
{\"INFO\": \" the @ command. It is useful for running nested scripts 
because it\", \"SEQ\": 6.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" has the 
additional functionality of looking for the nested script\", \"SEQ\": 7.0, 
\"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" in the same url or path as the calling 
script.\", \"SEQ\": 8.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 9.0, 
\"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": \" @@ {url|file_name[.ext]} [arg ...]\", 
\"SEQ\": 10.0, \"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 11.0, 
\"TOPIC\": \"@@\"}, {\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 1.0, \"TOPIC\": \"/\"}, 
{\"INFO\": \" / (slash)\", \"SEQ\": 2.0, \"TOPIC\": \"/\"}, {\"INFO\": \" 
---------\", \"SEQ\": 3.0, \"TOPIC\": \"/\"}, {\"INFO\": null, \"SEQ\": 
4.0, \"TOPIC\": \"/\"}, {\"INFO\": \" Executes the most recently executed 
SQL command or PL/SQL block\", \"SEQ\": 5.0, \"TOPIC\": \"/\"}, {\"INFO\": 
\" which is stored in the SQL buffer. Use slash (/) at the command\", 
\"SEQ\": 6.0, \"TOPIC\": \"/\"}, {\"INFO\": \" prompt or line number prompt 
in SQL*Plus command line. The buffer\", \"SEQ\": 7.0, \"TOPIC\": \"/\"}, 
{\"INFO\": \" has no command history and does not record SQL*Plus 
commands.\", \"SEQ\": 8.0, \"TOPIC\": \"/\"}

Program Code...

import flask_restful_extend
import collections
from flask import Flask, jsonify, json
from flask_restful import reqparse, abort, Api, Resource
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Column, Table, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Integer, String
from sqlalchemy import select
from IPython.utils.tests.test_capture import hello_stderr

engine = 

metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
conn = engine.connect()
users_table = Table('HELP', metadata,autoload=True)

s = select([users_table])
res = conn.execute(s)

rows = res.fetchall()
print rows
#print rows.JSONEncoder
print "hello"
objects_list = []

for row in rows:
    d = collections.OrderedDict()
    d['TOPIC'] = row.topic
    d['SEQ'] = row.seq
    d['INFO'] = row.info
j = json.dumps(objects_list)
print  j

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)

def abort_if_row_doesnt_exist(row_id):
    if row_id not in rows:
        abort(404, message="row {} doesn't exist".format(row_id))

parser = reqparse.RequestParser()

class help_rows(Resource):
    def get(self, row_id):
        return rows[row_id]

class helplist(Resource):
    def get(self):
        return  j
api.add_resource(helplist, '/help_rows')
api.add_resource(help_rows, '/help_rows/<row_id>')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Ramesh G

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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