This is a strange problem. I'd appreciate any assistance.
I have a class set up using the declarative_bass model, set up in this

  member_profile_table = MemberProfile.__table__
  metdata = Base.metadata
  engine = create_engine(config.db_conn)
  Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
  session = Session()

It works perfectly, as I expect, in the unit tests in the same file. I
get the expected data from the unit test:


But in this test file, which creates in instance of my wrapper file in
it's constructor:

class Dispatch:
  def __init__(self):
    self.methods = ('OPTIONS','GET','HEAD','POST',
      'PUT','DELETE','TRACE','CONNECT') = MemberInfo.MemberInfo()

I call the get method on the exact same query parameters.

  def test(self):
    return result.memberID

A pdb trace reveals that I get a valid query object from SqlAlchemy.
But my data set is empty.

My colleague thinks it's a lazy loading issue. My model code for my
tables appears below.

Thank you in advance,

import sys
import pprint
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

import config

from Members import *

Base = declarative_base()
class MemberProfile(Member):
  __tablename__ = 'member_profiles'

  memberID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('members.memberID'),
  SSN = Column(String)
  DOB = Column(Date)
  industryID = Column(Integer)
  primarysectorID = Column(Integer)
  address1 = Column(String)
  address2 = Column(String)
  city = Column(String)
  state = Column(String)
  zip = Column(String)
  howhearID = Column(Integer)
  affiliationID = Column(Integer)
  incomeID = Column(Integer)
  worksituationID = Column(Integer)
  currentinsuranceID = Column(Integer)
  genderID = Column(Integer)
  referemail = Column(String)
  occupation = Column(String)
  phonehome = Column(String)
  phonework = Column(String)
  phonecell = Column(String)
  phonefax = Column(String)
  occupationID = Column(Integer)
  occupationother = Column(String)
  billing_address1 = Column(String)
  billing_address2 = Column(String)
  billing_city = Column(String)
  billing_state = Column(String)
  billing_zip = Column(String)
  member = relation(Member,lazy=False,backref=backref

  def __init__(self, memberID, SSN=None, DOB=None, industryID=None,
      address1=None, address2=None, city=None, state=None, zip=None,
howhearID=None, affiliationID=None,
      incomeID=None, worksituationID=None, currentinsuranceID=None,
genderID=None, referemail=None,
      occupation=None, phonehome=None, phonework=None, phonecell=None,
phonefax=None, occupationID=None,
      occupationother=None, billing_address1=None,
billing_address2=None, billing_city=None,
      billing_state=None, billing_zip=None, member=None):
    self.memberID = memberID
    self.SSN = SSN
    self.DOB = DOB
    self.industryID = industryID
    self.primarysectorID = primarysectorID
    self.address1 = address1
    self.address2 = address2 = city
    self.state = state = zip
    self.howhearID = howhearID
    self.affiliationID = affiliationID
    self.incomeID = incomeID
    self.worksituationID = worksituationID
    self.currentinsuranceID = currentinsuranceID
    self.genderID = genderID
    self.referemail = referemail
    self.occupation = occupation
    self.phonehome = phonehome
    self.phonework = phonework
    self.phonecell = phonecell
    self.phonefax = phonefax
    self.occupationID = occupationID
    self.occupationother = occupationother
    self.billing_address1 = billing_address1
    self.billing_address2 = billing_address2
    self.billing_city = billing_city
    self.billing_state = billing_state
    self.billing_zip = billing_zip
    self.member = member

  def __repr__(self):
    return "<MemberProfile
>" % (self.memberID, self.SSN, self.DOB, self.industryID,
      self.primarysectorID, self.address1, self.address2,,
      self.state,, self.howhearID, self.affiliationID,
      self.incomeID, self.worksituationID, self.currentinsuranceID,
      self.genderID, self.referemail, self.occupation, self.phonehome,
      self.phonework, self.phonecell, self.phonefax,
      self.occupationother, self.billing_address1,
      self.billing_city, self.billing_state, self.billing_zip)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  member_profile_table = MemberProfile.__table__
  metdata = Base.metadata
  engine = create_engine(config.db_conn)
  Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
  session = Session()

  memberProfile = session.query(MemberProfile).filter_by
  print "\nOriginal record:"
  print memberProfile.__dict__
  print memberProfile.member.__dict__

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