Hey All,

I was upgrading our app from 0.4.1 to 0.4.5 and this code broke:

pg_user = Table('pg_user', metadata,
        Column('usesysid', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('usename', Unicode(), unique=True))

pg_group = Table('pg_group', metadata,
        Column('grosysid', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('groname', Unicode(), unique=True),
        Column('grolist', PGArray(unicode)))

mapper(PGUser, pg_user, properties={
        'groups': relation(PGGroup, viewonly=True,

"Specify the foreign_keys argument to indicate which columns on the
relation are foreign." % (self.primaryjoin, self))
ArgumentError: Could not determine relation direction for primaryjoin
condition 'pg_user.usesysid = any(pg_group.grolist)', on relation
PGUser.groups (PGGroup). Specify the foreign_keys argument to indicate
which columns on the relation are foreign.

I found this post(1) so I tried upgrading to SVN, but I still got the
error. Does it have to do anything with the any() function and the
PGArray column type?



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