
I'm trying to use PostGIS with GeoAlchemy, being totally new to both. According to available documentation and what I need (A point representing longitude and latitude of row), I have

   class PointOfInterest(Base):
        __tablename__ = ...


        geom = geoalchemy.GeometryColumn(Point(2))

To read from geom column, I apparently need:

   poi = PointOfInterest()

   lon = session.scalar(poi.geom.x)
   lat = session.scalar(poi.geom.y)

And to set the value I need

   poi.geom = geoalchemy.WKTSpatialElement("POINT({lon}
   {lat})".format(lon, lat))

Of course, the above is possibly vulnerable for sql injections so I must make sure lon and lat are really numbers.

But is there a simpler/safer/saner way to do both? Can I update the geom column somehow to set only one value of the pair?

Also, I'm not quite sure how to query rows with X, Y being with N units of a reference point X0, Y0?



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