Dear list

I'm new to sqlalchemy and so far, I am very impressed. I was able to
install SQLalchemy in about two minutes or so :-) and at the moment, I
am trying to follow the steps in the documentation.

I started with three tables (shown below) and tried to save a user in
the database using the information in

I'm getting the following error caused by the last line in my script:

localhost:squirrel michael$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 47, in <module>
    our_user = session.query(User).filter_by(login='ed').first()
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 909, in first
    ret = list(self[0:1])
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 937, in __iter__
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 771, in _autoflush
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 789, in flush
    self.uow.flush(self, objects)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 237, in flush
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 449, in execute
    UOWExecutor().execute(self, tasks)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 934, in execute
    self.execute_save_steps(trans, task)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 949, in execute_save_steps
    self.save_objects(trans, task)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 940, in save_objects
    task.mapper._save_obj(task.polymorphic_tosave_objects, trans)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 1008, in _save_obj
    connection = uowtransaction.transaction.connection(self)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 178, in connection
    return self.get_or_add(engine)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 208, in get_or_add
    conn = self._parent.get_or_add(bind)
  File "/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.4.8-py2.5.egg/
sqlalchemy/orm/", line 217, in get_or_add
    conn = bind.contextual_connect()
AttributeError: 'MetaData' object has no attribute

Could anyone tell me why this is happening?

Here's my complete code I've used:

from sqlalchemy import *
from datetime import datetime
import sys

metadata = MetaData('sqlite:///squirrel.db')

user_table = Table(
        'user', metadata,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('login', Unicode(25), nullable=False),
        Column('password', Unicode(40), nullable=False)

person_table = Table(
        'person', metadata,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('firstname', Unicode(25)),
        Column('lastname', Unicode(25)),
        Column('birthday', DateTime)

person_user = Table(
        'person_user', metadata,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('person_id', Integer, ForeignKey(''))


class User(object):
        def __init__(self, login, password):
                self.login = login
                self.password = password

        def __repr__(self):
                return "<User('%s', '%s')>" % (self.login, self.password)

from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper
mapper(User, user_table)

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
Session = sessionmaker(bind=metadata)

session = Session()
ed_user = User('ed', 'password of ed')
our_user = session.query(User).filter_by(login='ed').first()

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