
I'm a Python and SA newbie investigating SA for a project using
Postgres. I have a database schema that I want to point SA at then be
able to write my Python code.

I'm working with a version of the basic_association example to keep
things simple. I want to have unique auto generated ids on my tables
(surrogate primary keys) but also want to have primary keys defined
over the entities' actual attributes. I want to have surrogate keys on
my tables so that I can use them instead of the full priamary keys
when writing joins to keep the SQL brief. In some cases (e.g. the
association table) I'm defining the primary key in terms of surrogate
primary keys rather than copy over the full primary key from the
associated tables.

When I run the code (below) I get AttributeError: 'Order' object has
no attribute '_instance_key'.

Please can someone help me setup SA to work in this example?

Thanks in advance


Postgress DDL
create table orders (
 order_id           Serial              ,
 o_customer_name    text        not null,
 o_order_date       timestamp   not null,
primary key (o_customer_name, o_order_date) using index ,unique

create table items (
 item_id           Serial              ,
 it_description    text          not null,
 it_price          Numeric(8,2)  not null,
primary key (it_description) using index, unique (item_id) using

create table order_items (
 oi_order_id           Integer       not null,
 oi_item_id            Integer       not null,
 oi_price              Numeric(8,2)  not null,
primary key (oi_order_id, oi_item_id) using index);

[SNIP] setup and connect string

engine = create_engine(connectString, echo=False)
metadata = MetaData(engine)

orders_table = Table('orders', metadata, autoload=True)
items_table = Table('items', metadata, autoload=True)
orderitems_table = Table('order_items', metadata,
                         Column('oi_order_id', Integer,
                         Column('oi_item_id',  Integer,

class Order(object):
    def __init__(self, customer_name, order_date):
        self.customer_name = customer_name
        self.order_date = order_date

class Item(object):
    def __init__(self, description, price):
        self.description = description
        self.price = price

class OrderItem(object):
    def __init__(self, item, price=None):
        self.item = item
        self.price = price or item.price

mapper(Order, orders_table, properties = {
    'id'            : orders_table.c.order_id,
    'customer_name' : orders_table.c.o_customer_name,
    'order_date'    : orders_table.c.o_order_date,
    'order_items'   : relation(OrderItem)

mapper(Item, items_table, properties = {
    'id'             : items_table.c.item_id,
    'description'    : items_table.c.it_description,
    'price'          : items_table.c.it_price

mapper(OrderItem, orderitems_table, properties = {
    'order_id' : orderitems_table.c.oi_order_id,
    'item_id'  : orderitems_table.c.oi_item_id,
    'price'    : orderitems_table.c.oi_price,
    'item'     : relation(Item)

Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=True,
session = Session()

session.save(Item('Item A', 10.99))
session.save(Item('Item B', 8))
session.save(Item('Item C', 4))
session.save(Item('Item D', 1))

def item(name):
    return session.query(Item).filter_by(description=name).one()

order = Order("cust1", datetime.now())
order.order_items.append(OrderItem(item('Item A')))
order.order_items.append(OrderItem(item('Item B'),10))
order.order_items.append(OrderItem(item('Item C')))


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