I have a MSSQL server with two logical databases. (I inherited this
of course.) There is a table in each database and an association table in
one of them. What is the right way to configure this? Here is what I have
it complains about the values in foreign_keys. I've tried a lot of
and can't seem to hit on the right one. Thanks much!

left_engine = create_engine(SERVER_A_DB_ONE)
left_meta = MetaData()
left_meta.bind = left_engine

right_engine = create_engine(SERVER_A_DB_TWO)
right_meta = MetaData()
right_meta.bind = right_engine

left_table = Table('LeftTable', left_meta,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('description', String(128)))

right_table = Table('RightTable', right_meta,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('description', String(128)))

assoc_table = Table('LeftAssoc', left_meta,
    Column('left_id', Integer),
    Column('right_id', Integer))

MySession = sessionmaker(binds={
    left_table: left_engine,
    right_table: right_engine,
    assoc_table: left_engine

class Left(object): pass

class Right(object): pass

mapper(Left, left_table)

mapper(Right, right_table, properties={
    'lefts': relation(Left, secondary=assoc_table,
            foreign_keys=[right_table.c.id, left_table.c.id],

- Luke

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