Awesome, thanks!
SQLAlchemy -
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
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You received this mess
I figured out that this is fixable so will be in the next release.
On Mon, Aug 26, 2019, at 11:17 AM, Jan Wegger wrote:
> Ok, thanks for the reply. My original case was a situation where it seemed
> hard to get it right without using Load() directly, but I think I've been
> able to work around
Ok, thanks for the reply. My original case was a situation where it seemed
hard to get it right without using Load() directly, but I think I've been
able to work around it now, and it didn't turn out too bad, so it's no big
deal for me then. Thanks again for a great library!
SQLAlchemy -
it's unclear if there is an existing issue for this but apparently the Load()
object is not pickleable directly due to the objects present in the context, so
I would advise to not make use of the Load() object directly.
On Mon, Aug 26, 2019
I've been using SqlAlchemy and Alembic for a year and a half now and it's
been a great experience, thanks a lot for providing such an awesome piece
of engineering!
Recently I stumbled upon a problem that I'm wondering if it might point to
an inconsistency in SqlAlchemy, or (perhaps more li