I'm using Postgres 8.3 and sqlalchemy 0.5.0rc2 - when I'm doing a
select, it seems I can't concatenate a function with another column -
rather that use the || operator, it tries to use the || operator.

Code to reproduce example:
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.sql import *

meta = MetaData()

def get_pg_statement(s):
        return s.compile(bind=create_engine('postgres://'))

pt = Table('people', meta,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('first_name', String(100)),
        Column('last_name', String(100))

statements = (
        select([pt.c.first_name + pt.c.last_name]),
        select([func.lower(pt.c.first_name) + pt.c.first_name +

print sa.__version__

for s in statements:
        print get_pg_statement(s)


Output of sample (line breaks removed):
SELECT lower(people.first_name) AS lower_1 FROM people
SELECT people.first_name || people.last_name AS anon_1 FROM people
SELECT (lower(people.first_name) + people.first_name) ||
people.last_name AS anon_1 FROM people

Note on the third select, the + operator is used rather than ||.

The following error is thrown from PostGres:
ERROR:  operator does not exist: text + character varying
LINE 1: SELECT (lower(people.first_name) + people.first_name) ||
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You
might need to add explicit type casts.

When running "SELECT (lower(people.first_name) || people.first_name)
|| people.last_name AS anon_1 FROM people" the querey executes

Is there a workaround for this?
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