I'm trying to use Python 2.7.1 + SA 0.6.8 + kinterbasdb (3.3.0) and
I'm always getting the same error when I try to do some query:

File "/home/leon/app/env/tg2/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
kinterbasdb/__init__.py", line 1695, in addString
    newEntry = struct.pack(format, codeAsByte, chr(sLen), s)
sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError: (error) argument for 's' must be a string
None None

I've tried with:
   session.execute('select * from foo') --> error

   an_engine = create_engine('firebird://SYSDBA:masterkey@localhost/
foo', pool_size=1, pool_recycle=30)
   meta = MetaData(bind=an_engine)
   tbl = Table('foo', meta, autoload=True) --> error

The same thing works on SA 0.5.8

Thanks in advance

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