I'm new to SQLAlchemy and not sure exactly how to explain this in its 
terminology, so please bear with me.

We moving to replace an in-house developed ORM with SQLAlchemy because it 
works better with the software we want to use.  One problem I have is that 
we're working with some unnormalized tables that store multiple values in 
certain columns.  For example, a column "invnum" might be a varchar(20), 
where the first four characters are a customer ID string, and the rest are 
the the string representation of an integer invoice number.  That is, 
customer "Foo, Inc." has an invoice 123456, and that is stored 
as "FOOI123456".  Yes, this is unpretty, but we're working on it.

In the mean time, it's easy enough to create a property that returns the 
customer ID, ala:

    class Invoice(object):
        def _getcustomer(self):
            return self.invnum[:4]
        customer = property(_getcustomer)

However, I also need to be able to search by that calculated value, ideally 
with something like:


Is this even remotely possible?  Our in-house ORM knew enough about our 
table structure that it would generate SQL like:

    select * from invoice where substr(invnum,1,4) = 'FOOI';

I've tried to RTFM, but I'm really a beginner with it and don't even know 
what to search for yet.
Kirk Strauser

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