[sqlalchemy] Question about joins and how the data is returned by the Query class

2009-07-14 Thread The Devil's Programmer
In my controller I have: query = session.query(Article, Category, User, UserVote) query = query.outerjoin((UserVote, and_ (Article.id==UserVote.article_id, UserVote.voter==currently_logged_in_user))) query = query.outerjoin((Category, Article.category_id == Category.id)) query =

[sqlalchemy] Question about joins and how the data is returned by the Query class

2009-07-14 Thread The Devil's Programmer
In my controller I have: query = session.query(Article, Category, User, UserVote) query = query.outerjoin((UserVote, and_ (Article.id==UserVote.article_id, UserVote.voter==currently_logged_in_user))) query = query.outerjoin((Category, Article.category_id == Category.id)) query =