Hi, related to my recent post on subclassing Column:

The problem I have is that the right tables are not appearing in the
"FROM" list in the query.
I have overriden the 'in_' operatror on the column.

When calling 'all()' on my query instance, I get the result back as I
expected, but when calling 'count()'  a table is missing which is used
in the where clause:

This is  an example of a query which works using the 'count()'
function on my query object:

2007-08-07 19:42:43,082 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..8c
SELECT count(geo_route.id)
FROM geo_route, geo_location
WHERE geo_location.id IN (%(geo_location_id)s, %(geo_location_id_1)s)

And this is the one produced with my Column subclass overrindg 'in_'
in place.
Whether or not it overrides 'in_' or uses a different name ('within'
for example) is irrelevent here i think.
SELECT count(geo_route.id) \nFROM geo_route \nWHERE geo_location.point
&& SetSRID('BOX3D(-74.847708 39.884318, -74.823589 39.904667)'::box3d,
4326)" {}

What am I missing? I assume operators do something to add the correct
columns to the FROM list, but I can't see where.  I've added print
statements to the SA source to that end, but haven't been able to see

Any help much appriciated.


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