On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:26 AM, percious <perciou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sprox is ready for it's first beta release. Now, this release is 0.5b4
> because of sprox's heritage, and therefore it's level of maturity.
> Sprox has a new website up at www.sprox.org.  This site is of course
> generated with Sphinx, which is the new craze, but includes a
> considerable amount of auto-generated docs from doctests, and even a
> way to add comments to each page.
> In case you are wondering, Sprox is a customizable automated widget
> generation system that uses database schema and data to generate
> forms, tables, and other database information in html.  Currently,
> Sprox supports SQLAlchemy, and Toscawidgets for generation.
> Coverage is at 91% right now, so, beta is appropriate, but we are
> steaming towards our  target of 100%.  Sprox can also be found in the
> recent beta of TG2.  It is part of Catwalk, which resides as the admin
> tab on the default template.  So, if you give TG2 a ride, you'll be
> trying out Sprox too.  Sprox is at feature freeze right now until code
> coverage gets to 10/10, but bug reports are definitely appreciated.
> They can be reported at http://www.bitbucket.org/percious/sprox/issues/

Awesome, thanks for your work on this Chris, Catwalk2 is great and
with this configurability I think we could finally close the gap
between SA and html forms.

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