it has to do with a name conflict between a regular python property  
you've configured somewhere, and the name of a mapped attribute or  
relation().   The descriptors which SQLAlchemy places on the class  
(InstrumentedAttribute) have an "impl" attribute.   You'd have to find  
what name is conflicting; a pdb or print statement within could reveal the key and class names in play.

(FTR, this kind of error wouldn't occur with SQLA 0.5 which checks for  
user-defined descriptors explicitly).

On Aug 18, 2008, at 11:13 AM, Brad Wells wrote:

> I receive the following error with SA 0.4.7p1 and the latest 0.4 svn
> revision.
> "AttributeError: 'property' object has no attribute 'impl'"
> Mappers
> ======
> mapper(TransactionType, transaction_types)
>    transactions_mapper = mapper(Transaction, transactions,
>        extension=[HistoryMapperExtension(),
> TransactionDateMapperExtension()],
>        polymorphic_on=transactions.c.transaction_type_id,
> polymorphic_identity=0,
>        exclude_properties=['number', 'address', 'shipping',
> 'handling', 'purchase_order',
>                            'contact_note', 'notes', 'valid_until'],
>        properties={
>            '_voided_at': transactions.c.voided_at,
>            '_date':,
>            'method': relation(PaymentMethodType,
> backref='transactions'),
>            'transaction_type': relation(TransactionType,
> backref='transactions'),
>            'created_by_id': transactions.c.created_by,
>            'updated_by_id': transactions.c.updated_by,
>            'created_by': relation(Contact,
>            'updated_by': relation(Contact,
>    })
>    mapper(Cost, inherits=transactions_mapper, polymorphic_identity=1,
> properties={
>        'line_items': relation(LineItem, backref='cost',
> cascade='delete')
>    })
>    mapper(Payment, inherits=transactions_mapper,
> polymorphic_identity=2)
>    mapper(Receipt, inherits=transactions_mapper,
> polymorphic_identity=4)
>    mapper(Adjustment, inherits=transactions_mapper,
> polymorphic_identity=5)
>    abstract_sales_mapper = mapper(AbstractSale,
> inherits=transactions_mapper,
> polymorphic_on=transactions.c.transaction_type_id,
>                                   properties={
>        'number': transactions.c.number,
>        'address': transactions.c.address,
>        'shipping': transactions.c.shipping,
>        'handling': transactions.c.handling,
>        'purchase_order': transactions.c.purchase_order,
>        'contact_note': transactions.c.contact_note,
>        'notes': transactions.c.notes,
>        'payment_terms': relation(PaymentTerm,
> backref='abstract_sales'),
>        'line_items': relation(LineItem, backref='sale',
> cascade='delete', order_by=line_items.c.position)
>    })
>    mapper(Sale, inherits=abstract_sales_mapper,
> polymorphic_identity=3)
>    mapper(Quote, inherits=abstract_sales_mapper,
> polymorphic_identity=6, properties={
>        '_valid_until':
> transactions.c.valid_until
>    })
> The error occurs when performing a query on Transaction ex:
> Transaction.query.get(111)
> where row id 111 is a Quote type. If a query uses the specific class
> type ex: Quote.query.get(111)
> it completes successfully.
> I don't know if this is an SA bug or an error in my mappers. Any help
> is appreciated.
> -brad
> Full Traceback
> ===========
> In [53]: m.Transaction.query.get(112)
> ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
> The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
> The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (141, 0))
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call
> last)
> C:\Documents and Settings\bwells\workspace\ERP GIT TEST\erp\<ipython
> console> in <module>()
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyc in get(self, ident, **kw
> args)
>    267
>    268         key = self.mapper.identity_key_from_primary_key(ident)
> --> 269         return self._get(key, ident, **kwargs)
>    270
>    271     def load(self, ident, raiseerr=True, **kwargs):
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyc in _get(self, key, ident
> , refresh_instance, lockmode, only_load_props)
>   1066         try:
>   1067             # call using all() to avoid LIMIT compilation
> complexity
> -> 1068             return q.all()[0]
>   1069         except IndexError:
>   1070             return None
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyc in all(self)
>    876
>    877         """
> --> 878         return list(self)
>    879
>    880
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyc in iterate_instances(sel
> f, cursor, *mappers_or_columns, **kwargs)
>   1001                 rows = []
>   1002                 for row in fetch:
> -> 1003                     process[0](context, row, rows)
>   1004             elif single_entity:
>   1005                 rows = [process[0](context, row) for row in
> fetch]
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyc in main(context, row, re
> sult)
>   1579                     row = context.row_adapter(row)
>   1580                 self.mapper._instance(context, row, result,
> -> 1581                     extension=context.extension,
> only_load_props=context.only_load_props, refresh_instance=conte
> xt.refresh_instance
>   1582                 )
>   1583         elif context.row_adapter:
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.pyc in _instance(self, cont
> ext, row, result, polymorphic_from, extension, only_load_props,
> refresh_instance)
>   1366                     raise exceptions.AssertionError("No such
> polymorphic_identity %r is defined" % discriminator
> )
>   1367                 if mapper is not self:
> -> 1368                     return mapper._instance(context, row,
> result=result, polymorphic_from=self)
>   1369
>   1370         # determine identity key
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.pyc in _instance(self, cont
> ext, row, result, polymorphic_from, extension, only_load_props,
> refresh_instance)
>   1457
>   1458                 if 'populate_instance' not in
> extension.methods or extension.populate_instance(self, context, ro
> w, instance, only_load_props=attrs, instancekey=identitykey,
> isnew=isnew) is EXT_CONTINUE:
> -> 1459                     self.populate_instance(context, instance,
> row, only_load_props=attrs, instancekey=identityke
> y, isnew=isnew)
>   1460
>   1461         if result is not None and ('append_result' not in
> extension.methods or extension.append_result(self, con
> text, row, instance, result, instancekey=identitykey, isnew=isnew) is
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\mapper.pyc in populate_instance(se
> lf, selectcontext, instance, row, ispostselect, isnew,
> only_load_props, **flags)
>   1507
>   1508         for (key, populator) in populators:
> -> 1509             selectcontext.exec_with_path(self, key, populator,
> instance, row, ispostselect=ispostselect, isnew=i
> snew, **flags)
>   1510
>   1511         if self.non_primary:
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyc in exec_with_path(self,
> mapper, propkey, fn, *args, **kwargs)
>   1701         self.path += (mapper.base_mapper, propkey)
>   1702         try:
> -> 1703             return fn(*args, **kwargs)
>   1704         finally:
>   1705             self.path = oldpath
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\strategies.pyc in new_execute(inst
> ance, row, isnew, **flags)
>     84             def new_execute(instance, row, isnew, **flags):
>     85                 if isnew:
> ---> 86
> instance._state.expire_attributes([self.key])
>     87             if self._should_log_debug:
>     88                 self.logger.debug("Deferring load for %s %s" %
> (mapper, self.key))
> C:\Program Files\Python\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy-0.4.7p1-py2.5.egg
> \sqlalchemy\orm\attributes.pyc in expire_attribute
> s(self, attribute_names)
>    870                 self.committed_state.pop(key, None)
>    871                 self.expired_attributes.add(key)
> --> 872                 if getattr(self.class_,
> key).impl.accepts_scalar_loader:
>    873                     self.callables[key] = self
>    874
> AttributeError: 'property' object has no attribute 'impl'
> >

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