
On 9/10/07, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey Roger -
> can you reopen ticket #570 and attach your patch there ?  FTR, the
> 0.4 codebase does this differently and is probably "correct" over
> there (but also, not tested since I dont have FB).

I guess you meant #370..  :)

Well, it is still opened... I tried to upload the patches, but found
no option to do this operation on an existing ticket (only for new
tickets)... I logged as guest/guest, since there's also no option to
register myself as a new user.

So, here are the 2 patches and a test script... (hope the list accept



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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

dburi = "firebird://SYSDBA:[EMAIL PROTECTED]//tmp/test.fdb"

engine = create_engine(dburi)
metadata = MetaData()
conn = engine.connect()

users_table = Table('T_USER', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('name', String(20)))

prefs_table = Table('T_PREFS', metadata,
    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('T_USER.id')),
    Column('name', String(20)))

class User(object): pass
class UserPref(object): pass

mapper(User, users_table, properties = dict(
    preferences = relation(UserPref, cascade="all, delete-orphan"),
mapper(UserPref, prefs_table)

metadata.bind = engine
session = create_session(bind=engine)


# delete existing data

# populate initial data
users_table.insert().execute(dict(id=1, name='Smith'), dict(id=2, name='Mark'))

    dict(id=1, user_id=1, name='Smith-1'),
    dict(id=2, user_id=1, name='Smith-2'),
    dict(id=3, user_id=1, name='Smith-3'),
    dict(id=4, user_id=2, name='Mark-1'),
    dict(id=5, user_id=2, name='Mark-2')

assert select([func.count(users_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 2
assert select([func.count(prefs_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 5

u = session.query(User).get(1)

assert select([func.count(users_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 1
assert select([func.count(prefs_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 2

u = session.query(User).get(2)
u.preferences = []

assert select([func.count(users_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 1
assert select([func.count(prefs_table.c.id)]).scalar() == 0

Attachment: 370_branch_0.3.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 370_branch_0.4.patch
Description: Binary data

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