On Sep 9, 9:53 am, Conor <conor.edward.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 09/08/2010 01:05 PM, Jack Kordas wrote:
> > When I try to use both aliases and labels, the results are not named
> > as expected.
> > Instead of being able to access the columns as <label-name>_<column-
> > name> it appears as <original-table-name>_<numeric-sequence>_<column-
> > name>
> > Thanks,
> >   Jack
> > Sample code follows:
> > parent = Table('parent', metadata,
> >     Column('id', INTEGER(), primary_key=True),
> >     Column('name', VARCHAR(length=128)),
> >     Column('first_id', INTEGER(),
> >         ForeignKey(u'child.id')),
> >   )
> > child = Table('child', metadata,
> >     Column('id', INTEGER(), primary_key=True),
> >     Column('name', VARCHAR(length=128))
> >   )
> > def test_labels1(conn):
> >     s = select([parent,child], use_labels=True)
> >     s = s.where(parent.c.first_id==child.c.id)
> >     return conn.execute(s).fetchone()
> > def test_alias1(conn):
> >     firstchild = child.alias()
> >     s = select([parent,firstchild], use_labels=True)
> >     s = s.where(parent.c.first_id==firstchild.c.id)
> >     return conn.execute(s).fetchone()
> > conn = engine.connect()
> > results = test_labels1(conn)
> > print results.parent_name
> > print results.child_name
> > results = test_alias1(conn)
> > print 'alias1 results: '
> > print results.parent_name
> > #print results.firstchild_name # expected this to work
> > print results.child_1_name # this worked instead
> You need to set an explicit name for the alias to prevent SQLAlchemy
> from generating an anonymous name[1]:
> firstchild = child.alias("firstchild")
> -Conor
> [1]http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/core/expression_api.html#sqlalchemy.sq...

Thanks, that did the trick.  I didn't appreciate the difference
between using the aliased variable in the from clause and generating
names for the selected columns.

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