On Oct 19, 2007, at 6:01 PM, mhearne808[[insert-at-sign-here]]gmail 
[[insert-dot-here]]com wrote:

> Does anyone have any examples of using more complex classes with
> sqlalchemy?  I'd like to have a user interface for my objects that
> hides as much of the complexity of sqlalchemy as possible.  Using the
> users/addresses example from the sqlalchemy website (http://
> www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/04/ormtutorial.html#datamapping_tables), I'd
> like to be able to have a User class that provides a method like:
> getAddresses()
> where this returns a list of (for example) email addresses from the
> addresses table, hiding the sqlalchemy syntax from the user.
> However, I can't see how to add a method like this to the existing
> users table, since then it would have to know about the users_table
> Table object.
> I'm currently working with wrapper classes around the low-level User
> and Address objects, but that's getting a little hairy too...

theres no "low-level" User and Address object...those are your  
classes, and can define whatever behaviors you want.  getAddresses()  
would be a method on the User class which accesses the "addresses"  
property.  theres no direct access to any Table objects required.

hope this helps....

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  • [sqlalchemy] Comp... mhearne808[insert-at-sign-here]gmail[insert-dot-here]com
    • [sqlalchemy]... Michael Bayer

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