the engine does not connect until first used, in this case when you've  
called "all()" on a Query.   If you want to force a connection at a  
specific point, say engine.connect().

On Jul 21, 2008, at 7:13 AM, Werner F. Bruhin wrote:

> Can someone point out to me what I am doing wrong that I can not catch
> this exception:
> **** Mon Jul 21 11:56:59 2008 **** Version: 3.0.399.1 ****  wxV:  
> (msw-unicode) *****
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 1136, in <module>
>  File "", line 1132, in main
>  File "wx\_core.pyo", line 7912, in __init__
>  File "wx\_core.pyo", line 7487, in _BootstrapApp
>  File "", line 272, in OnInit
>  File "sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyo", line 413, in get
>  File "sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyo", line 1179, in _get
>  File "sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyo", line 973, in all
>  File "sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyo", line 1038, in __iter__
>  File "sqlalchemy\orm\query.pyo", line 1041, in _execute_and_instances
>  File "sqlalchemy\orm\session.pyo", line 730, in execute
>  File "sqlalchemy\orm\session.pyo", line 697, in __connection
>  File "sqlalchemy\orm\session.pyo", line 317, in _connection_for_bind
>  File "sqlalchemy\engine\base.pyo", line 1243, in contextual_connect
>  File "sqlalchemy\pool.pyo", line 165, in connect
>  File "sqlalchemy\pool.pyo", line 323, in __init__
>  File "sqlalchemy\pool.pyo", line 180, in get
>  File "sqlalchemy\pool.pyo", line 615, in do_get
>  File "sqlalchemy\pool.pyo", line 145, in create_connection
>  File "sqlalchemy\pool.pyo", line 217, in __init__
>  File "sqlalchemy\pool.pyo", line 280, in __connect
>  File "sqlalchemy\engine\strategies.pyo", line 80, in connect
> OperationalError: (OperationalError) (-902, 'isc_attach_database:  
> \n  I/O error for file "C:/Spiritissimo/twcb.fdb"\n  Error while  
> trying to open file\n  The process cannot access the file because it  
> is being used by another process. ') None None
> Line 272 in is:
>        dbConnected = self.ConnectDB()
>    def ConnectDB(self):
>        """Connect to the database
>        """
> ... removed some lines which get config information
>        try:
> ... removed some lines which show passwords, which basically setup
> "dburl" variable
>            debug = self.twcbConfig.Read('SQLLog', 'False')
>            if debug == 'True':
>                # twcbConfig entries are strings
>                import logging
>                logging.basicConfig(
>                logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine')
>                # following could be expanded
>                # see
>                logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>            self.engine =, encoding='utf8',
> echo=False)
>            self.Session = db.sao.sessionmaker()
>            self.Session.configure(bind=self.engine)
>            self.ds = self.Session()
>            return True
>        except Exception, error:
>            wx.MessageBox(str(error), _(u'DB connection failed'))
>            return False
> Do I have to wrap the call to self.ConnectDB into a try/except to make
> sure to catch the exception?
> I also tried using a more specific catch, but with no success either:
>        except db.saexc.OperationalError, error:
>            wx.MessageBox(str(error), _(u'DB connection failed -
> Operational error'))
>            return False
> Thanks for any hints on this.
> Werner
> P.S.
> The database is Firebird SQL 2.1 with kinterbasdb 3.x
> >

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