Thanks, that worked.

On Jul 7, 11:57 am, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Jul 7, 2011, at 2:16 PM, Bryan wrote:
> > I'm having trouble telling an orm query which table is the "main"
> > table when I
> > only use a single column from the main table and it is wrapped up in
> > an SQL
> > function.  It's almost like SqlAlchemy can't see that I am using a
> > column from
> > that table because it is inside of a function::
> >  # -- Schema -------------------
> >  #
> >  # Labor
> >  # =====
> >  # id
> >  # hours
> >  # createdBy (user ref)
> >  # editedBy (user ref)
> >  #
> >  #
> >  # User
> >  # ====
> >  # id
> >  # username
> >  # -----------------------------
> >  # -- Code -------------------
> >  CREATED_BY = aliased(User, name='createdBy')
> >  EDITED_BY = aliased(User, name='editedBy')
> >  q = query(CREATED_BY.username, func.sum(Labor.hours))
> >  q = q.join((CREATED_BY,
> >  q.all()
> > This is producing a query like this::
> >    user_1.username, sum(
> >  FROM
> >    user AS user_1
> >    INNER JOIN user AS user_1 ON labor.createdBy =
> > Which gives me a OperationalError "1066, "Not unique table/alias:
> > 'user_1'".
> > I would expect this::
> >    createdBy.username, sum(
> >  FROM
> >    labor
> >    INNER JOIN user AS createdBy ON labor.createdBy =
> > As soon as I add a column from the Labor table to the query, and it is
> > not in a
> > function, the query works.  For example, this works::
> >  q = query(CREATED_BY.username,, func.sum(Labor.hours))
> > Mysql 5
> > SqlAlchemy 0.5.2
> if you could upgrade to 0.6 or 0.7, you would say 
> query(created_by).select_from(Labor).join(created_by, <onclause>)
> else if stuck with 0.5 you need to use
> from sqlalchemy.orm import join
> query(created_by).select_from(join(Labor, created_by, 
> <onclause>).join(<whatever else needs to be joined>))
> i.e. the whole JOIN needs to be in select_from

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