Mike Conley wrote:
> What is correct way to join two subqueries? The example is somewhat
> contrived, but illustrates the problem.
> SQL might look like this
> SELECT x.blah, y.blah
> FROM (SELECT id, data AS blah FROM a) AS x
> JOIN (SELECT id, data AS blah FROM b) AS y
>   ON x.id = y.id
> Mapped classes are:
> class A(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'a'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     data = Column(String)
>     def __repr__(s):
>         return '<A id:%s data:%s>' % (s.id, s.data)
> class B(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'b'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     data = Column(String)
>     def __repr__(s):
>         return '<B id:%s data:%s>' % (s.id, s.data)
> with some data:
> session.add_all([A(data='a1'),A(data='a2'),B(data='b1'),B(data='b2'),])
> session.commit()
> and subqueries:
> subqa = session.query(A.id, A.data.label('blah')).subquery()
> subqb = session.query(B.id, B.data.label('blah')).subquery()
> First attempt:
> session.query(subqa.c.blah, subqb.c.blah)
> as expected this give a cross join of all A's and B's
> Second attempt:
> session.query(subqa.c.blah,
> subqb.c.blah).join((subqb,subqb.c.id==subqa.c.id
> ))
> gives and error:
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'base_mapper'
> probably because subqa is not a mapped entity

uhhh yeah.   its trying to find the source to join from.  you don't
actually need the "join()" here you could just filter on
subqb.c.id==subqa.c.id.    If you really want JOIN or OUTERJOIN, do
q.select_from(subqa.join(subqb, ...)).

as far as q.join() figuring that out, that might be a little tough to
implement though we can maybe make the error message do a better job. ill
add a ticket.

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